

Anna's In Town

Aunt Anna came in for the weekend to see Nicholas. She got to spend lots of quality time with sis and nephew. ; ) Nicholas loves his new cowboy boot slippers she got him! We love Anna!!!


  1. Congratulations!

    What a beautiful baby! I'm so glad everything went well...

    Maria, Michael has the present I made for Nicholas, so if you swing by the school, he can give it to you... we figured that right now you and Andrew are really busy with the baby and the relatives visiting...

    Many blessings!

  2. Awww I just love my little nephew!! He's scrumptious. I miss you all already and I CANNOT wait for family vaca 2007!! LOVE YOU

  3. oh just wait til he meets me!!!! I will be his favorite of all, for sure.

    Maria and Andrew, thank you for your beautiful testimony of love... look at what God has blessed it with! Little Nicholas couldn't possibly be any cuter!! Can't wait to see your FAM!! :)
