

He's Baptized!!

Fr. Paul Moreau, L.C. brought Nicholas into the Catholic Church on Pentecost Sunday in the Holy Spirit Catholic church high school chapel. Uncle Paul made his First Communion with him. We had some close friends witness our special day...Krisit and Patrick, Vanessa, Claire, John and Meg Lambert, Bobby and Katherine....and other families. Nicholas didn't make a peep...our little saint.

Kansas Trip

We headed up to Kansas to look for a house! Nicholas got to have lots of special time with Grandma Mechie. : )


Tricia Visits Nicholas in Houston

We had so much fun with Tricia here. We went out Friday. Sat. was Cinco de Mayo BBQ with Matt and Jen and James. Sunday we went for a long walk in the park....lots of quality time with Aunt Trish the dish. (aka Jill)

Our Balding Babe

We think he is looking more like daddy, at least he has his nose and mouth.

So our little sweet pea lost his hair up top. Ha, poor thing, of course we think he is still cute, but we parents are partial. He is gaining lots of pounds and eating a ton. He LOVES to go outside. If he is upset or in a crying rage, once taken outside he calms down instantly. The same goes for stroller rides and car rides - anything with motion - total boy.