

Funny Things

For awhile now, when we wake Nicholas up from a nap or when we pick him up and he is anxious to see us, his sign of affection is a pinch pinch. He loves to pinch the skin on my neck or arm. He will sit in his high chair during dinner, take a bite, and then pinch Andrew's arm, take a bite, take a pinch. Don't know why, but we get a good laugh.

The second haircut didn't go as well as the first. All the preparations were made, taking off the clothes, sucker in hand to distract him, but to no avail. He has about four bare patches on the back of his head from moving while Andrew buzzed. He has no idea, but that's ok.


At Last! Warm Weather has Arrived!

We spent all day outside yesterday trying to breath in all the warm air - I think Nicholas breathed in too much because he started sneezing and rubbing his eyes and then was up all night. Ha, oh well, the sunshine was worth it.

We explored the grass.

We tried to pull it out.

Showing momma the grass.
Proceeding to eat the grass. (When in doubt, we always are open to tasting new things)

April Showers

How fun and exciting are bridal showers! All the rush and anticipation - the flowers and dresses, the food and wine, and honeymooning....makes me want to get married all over again. Anna looked georgous during her shower and opened some fun gifts. We dined on some fancy food and blood red mimosas.

Driving Ms. Daisy

We had a good laugh as they squeezed in this little car and played for awhile. clearly someone knows how to get her way.

The 2nd Very 1st Birthday

A few days later Nicholas and I flew to Atlanta for Anna's bridal shower so we got to celebrate his birthday with all his aunts and uncles on the Zuniga side. Aunt Gianna decided to have her birthday too (although it was 10 days later). This time Nicholas learned how to blow out the candle, although his little puff didn't quite blow it out.

A privilege of being the first grandchild, he gets special love and attention from Nanna and Pappa.
Nicholas and Aunt Grace
Party Guests

Very 1st Birthday

Boy did we celebrate. The first round was with all Nicholas' aunts and uncles on the Niewald side. "Animals on Parade" We had cupcakes, played games, and then watched some final four games. I attempted to make him a birthday hat, but it seemed to resemble more like a dunce cone. We told him he looked cute anyway.

It is an automatic party with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Nicholas very carefully poked at his cupcake.



This was my view from Easter Mass...a squishy little easter egg right in front of me. I was not distracted in the least.

Mission Youth

This is the sophomore class Andrew took to Atlanta to do Holy Week missions. Three of the girls are now RC! We had so much fun with them. After missions we ate, slept, and hit up all the hot spots in Atlanta: The Georgia Aquarium, the malls, laser tag. I think I slept for three days straight when we got home.

Returning to the Blog

We are back after a long hiatus. The month of March was a crazy one and we are well into April. So much has happened since the last post. We went for Holy Week missions in Atlanta. Nicholas and Grace had their firt Easter Egg hunt. A week later we celebrated Nicholas' first birthday with all the Niewald aunts and uncles. Then we flew to Atlanta to celebrate it with all the Zuniga aunts and uncles. (The real reason being I was their to give Anna a bridal shower.) I hope to capture some highlights from so many exciting events.