

My Chipmunk

So a humorous incident this morning happened at breakfast. Nicholas ate a hardy bowl of cereal with half a banana, a piece of toast and half a yogurt. Good, I thought - he should be full and ready to go. I washed his hands and he started to play in the family room. I had made myself some coffee and peanut butter toast with some bananas on it, set it next to the computer and ran to the bathroom. I was hungry and anxious to eat. When I got out two minutes later, I found Nicholas sitting at the computer, mouth covered in peanut butter, and all the bananas missing from the toast. As I headed toward him, he put his hand out to stop me from coming closer, guarding his little treasure of food. Some coffee had spilled onto the counter and the mug's handle had peanut butter on it, he must have thought he would have some coffee to go with his toast. So my breakfast that I was so looking forward to eating was stolen by a little porky chipmunk thief.

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