

The Zuniga's Come to Kansas

Madeline with Christiana

Pappa rocking Christiana to sleep

Aunt Grace - somewhat disgruntled after awakening from a nap

"Mimi" with Nicholas

Out and about in Beloit - Pizza Hut.

Everyone actually made the 7 hour drive from St. Louis (in 9 hours) to come visit us all the way out here in Kansas!! Everyone including Anna and Gabe from Atlanta, Tricia and Phil, who drove from Colorado, and Angela from North Carolina all made the trip. We felt so honored and lucky to have them come...then we felt sad that everyone got the stomach flew at the same time. That was crazy, awful, and kind of funny at the same time, but we still had an awesome visit filled with hunting, football watching, and baby holding. Family makes me happy and I'm still filled even though they have all left.

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