

Spring is Coming!

It was a beautiful mild day and of course I was dying to get outside. I layed two towels out and told Nicholas to go outside while I got Christiana into her seat. I came outside to find that he had plopped himself down, with puppy of course, and was gazing out into the yard. He sat and ate his apple and talked with his puppy for awhile enjoying springs first warm day. I sat and watched him and we spend a perfectly content afternoon together.


  1. I love these pictures! Your family is beautiful!

  2. Mawiaa.. I should get peeved that I am 25 and my dear cuz still calls me whoocy. But I for some odd reason I find it endearing! Lol! So we must continue the tradition with your little ones... Nichowos and Cwistianawoo. They are beautiful, and I have a secret obsession with pudgy babes. Yeah Cwistianawoo is a pudge smudge!

  3. This is so presh! I love Nicholas so much, and how he can be so content with simple joys. Maaaan I am really missing you and your babes!!!! (All 3 of them) ;) hahahaha
