

Memorial Wkd in St. Louis

We enjoyed lots of pool time now that Nanna and Pappa have a pool in their new house! Pudding sported her ruffly two piece and a big white squishy belly. Nicholas and Aunt Grace played together and carried on conversations about water, bubbles, and balls. Aunt Gianna, Uncle Paul and Peter also joined in on the fun.

Let's see...night swims, smores, Night at the Mueseum 2, "Relish" and "Nightime" just to name a few fun and funny highlights.


What I Didn't Know about Two

What I didn't know about having the second child was how much fun it would be to watch them play together. It made for an unexpected moment of joy in my day. No one makes her laugh like Nicholas does. This almost brought tears to my eyes as I think they are already the best of friends.


My Morning Cup of Coffee

This is what get's me up in the morning. She is all smiles, warm, and squishy. I usally can't wait until she gets up so I can have my daily cup of pure squish.

Mother's Day Blueberry Scones

These are scrumptious and great with a cup of coffee. They make for a fun gift instead of flowers.

Blueberry Scones


1 1/2 C. Flour

1/2 C. Cake Flour (1tbs. cornstarch in place of 1tbs. of the flour)

3 Tbs. sugar

2 1/2 tsp. baking powder

3/4 tsp. salt

1 Stick unsalted butter (cold, cut into small pieces)

1 C. blueberries

1/2 C. low-fat buttermilk (or 1/2 plain yogurt whisked with 2tbs. milk)

1 large egg, plus 1 egg beaten slightly for egg wash

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

Sanding sugar


1. Preheat Oven to 375. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Whisk together fours, sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Cut in butter

with pastry knife or with your fingers, until mixture has the texture of coarse meal.

Stir in blueberries.

3. Whisk together buttermilk, 1 egg, and the vanilla. Drizzle over flour mixture, and

stir lightly with a fork until dough forms and small amount of flour remains in bottom

of bowl.

4. Turn out dough onto a work surface, and gently knead dough once or twice just to incorporate

flour. Pat into 1-inch thick round. Cut into 12 wedges. Transfer to baking sheet, brush with egg wash and sprinkle with sanding sugar.

5.Bake 22 minutes until golden brown, let cool on wire rack. Best served immediately. Freeze up to one month. Thaw and reheat 350 for 10 minutes.


Curious George

We had to change his diaper and we decided to let him run free for a minute. He got curious of what was down there ; )

Everything went into the pool yesterday. I went inside to start dinner and when I came out, my flipflops, every cup, baby einstein cds and the phone were all in the pool.


April Sun

I am behind these days in my blog posting... these are some highlights from the past week.
They are tearing up the road in front of our house and every morning huge cement trucks and bulldozers are out working. It has been fun to sit on our porch and watch.

Nicholas watching the trucks...we were wearing some short shorts that day.

Puddings new kitchen seat - it fits just right.

Sunday Dress

She's showing us some leg.

For my viewing pleasure....I love chub.