

Summer Harvest Festival

Kansas small town living at its best. Our church had the big harvest festival so we took Nicholas to experience it. He was so excited to get a "ham-ba-jer". After getting through the food line holding two plates, two desserts, silverware, pushing the stroller, keeping the diaper bag over my sholder, adding mustard and ketchup, and finding a seat...we sat down, fed Christiana a bottle, shoed the flies away, and I think I ate. All I remember was this killer fresh cherry pie. OH MY GOSH.

The best part of the night was seeing Nicholas jump out of his seat in excitement after seeing balloons. That was all he needed. We bought him two balloons and he told everyone at the festival about them. I love his simple happiness.


Lessons of the Summer

Any marriage that lasts 70 years deserves a closer look...

What I didn't find: no selfishness, no luxury retirement.
What I found:13 children, 65 grandchildren, a simple little house, and 70 years of fulfillment. This, I believe, is the only way to happily ever after.

I think it's about time I leave myself behind.

Pete and Lucia Zuniga renewing their marriage vows, 70 years later.

I cried watching their faces light up as a Mariachi serenaded them songs. They were truly overjoyed.

We attempted to get a picture full of history; someday, I will tell them the fairytale story of Pete and Lucy.

Wild at Heart

Grace and Nicholas danced the night away at their grandparents' and great grandparents' reception


I Could Watch Her All Day

This is a simple ordinary six month old moment, but to me, it is sheer enjoyment. I am constantly amazed at my ability to be amazed at watching once again, the growth and development of my little ones. Over and over again, it never gets boring. This is how she was over our trip...hardly two peeps from this squishy face. (Nicholas, however, was another story. He didn't stop talking from the time he got into the car)


The Long Vacation

Vacation officially started when Anna and Gabe moved in!! I still can't believe God has moved them all the way over here to the center of the United States, in the middle of one giant wheat field, to the small town of Beloit, Kansas. I am enjoying the time...morning coffee talks, game nights, movie nights,lots of crying babies those would be mine because we have yet to hear baby Gabe make more than a grunt), and a lot of laughter.

Tired Movers....

Nicholas' new interest...cousin Gaber

We all loaded up in Damaris' suburban to make the St.Louis trip. We had sooo much fun - lots of grill time and pool time.