


So it is tricky updating a blog with a faulty camera and no computer. My camera won't take any memory cards and my hard drive crashed so I am borrowing Anna's computer for the evening. And who knows when or where it will get fixed. But if I'm true to my intentions for this blog, its purpose is to scrapbook the memories of my everyday life with or without photos. 

Funniest Stories This Week: 
Christiana: likes to stand on her head (with her feet still on the ground). That plump round bottom in the air is too much. 

Nicholas: Dances to Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire while attempting to sing too. 

Andrew: Is funny when he yawns, he uses every muscle in his face. I love to watch. 

Me: Shoot. Felt completely sore after doing 8 push ups. (well, I thought it was funny and laughed when I realized it the next day). 

Things that I am Thankful For this Week: 
Anna. I love having her here. 

Computers and Cameras are a luxury. 

Andrew and his work ethic. 

My house. It feels like home.

My Challenge team leaders...they truly are beautiful generous girls.


  1. Anonymous9/17/2009

    yay!!! you made my night! miss you guys- hilary

  2. Maria, you are beautiful. Thank you for keeping me in check with the every day miracles and gifts, aside from all the fluff that consumes us. LOVVVVE YOU!

  3. I agree with Ange.
    Love you so much!
