

Aunt "Trash" Comes to Beloit!

We were sooo excited to receive a visit from Tricia over the weekend. We did so much while she was here. Saturday morning we had a big breakfast, it was 70 degrees outside so we went for a long walk in the park. Later that night, Anna and Gabe hosted a big cook out with some of our friends and ended the night with a good movie. Sunday we went out for Mexican food after Mass, and then she helped out with Challenge missions. She even stayed all day Monday!!....I'm so sad she left, but it was a great long visit.


  1. That picture of me looks like Trish!
    Such a fun weekend. That last picture kills me!

  2. I never even saw this! Oh what cuties I have for nieces and nephews. I can't wait to come visit again in February with uncle "Phel"!
