

Camera Happy

My husband is unique...guess that's why I married him. He is the most selfless person I know. He surprised me and got me a really nice camera for Christmas. (Mine has been broke for awhile now). I researched my brains out trying to find the right one for our family needs and happily chose the Cannon G11. It is as close as you can get to a DSLR which didn't have a video feature I use so often. Maybe someday, if I take the photography hobby more seriously, I'll get one. For now, this powerful little camera is way too much fun!

It will take me some time to learn the ropes and be able to get the most out of how to use it, but it has been fun playing around and taking pictures of my favorite subjects. ; )

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria, I just found your blog and I love it! I am married to Andrew's cousin Tobias (Toby) Markey. I think I've met you casually at a few family weddings.

    You have a beautiful family!
