

I just couldn't help myself...

I remember getting the biggest kick out of Nicholas' block creations. This one Pudding did all by herself....for some reason it is so cute to me. I think it's because she is so little and to see her tiny creation of a really big stack of blocks somewhat funny. I LOVE watching her do this...the concentration, the attempt to steady her fat hands and carefully place the blocks on top of each other. Just can't get enough. She did this for an hour.


  1. i just want to eat her! such a little stack!

  2. ok, why is it that when WE come to visit, she couldn't seem to play with ANYTHING for more that 15 minutes?? haha..but she really is asorable, wow. miss you both!

  3. haha oh my goodness! adorable. sophia could never do that with her fat little sausage hands. ;) so cute!

  4. How adorable!
    Blessings abundant to you and yours!

    In Christ,
    Peggy Cortez
