


Me, "Nicholas, what's on your head?"
Nicholas, "My helmet."

Me, "Ugh. This is so frusterating."
Nicholas, "Mom, are you happy or cross?"
(Nicholas is a somewhat Thomas the Tank die hard. They use dialect in the show such as, "Thomas was cross. He had been shunting frieght cars all day.")

Me, "Nicholas, why is Christiana crying?"
Nicholas, "I gave her two spankings."

Me, "Nicholas, can you finish her dinner please?"
Nicholas, "I can't, it's because I too berry tired."

stopped and starred...

Yesterday Christiana and Nicholas entertained themselves for hours in the basement. Coming up for air the two of them came into the kitchen for a snack and Nicholas said, "Christinanna let's hug" and they squeezed each other, smiling and giggling. They ran into the living room and began to play. I just sat and starred. I couldn't believe I was watching MY very own kids. I couldn't possibly imagine five years ago what my children would look or be like and now we have two of them running around in our house. Not sure it should be this fun to watch, I love it. Thank you God, I feel so so so lucky, or blessed that I get to have them.


Farmer's Market

Our little "downtown" hosts a Farmer's Market every Saturday morning. The locals park their trucks along the street and sell everything from homemade soap and blueberry muffins to garden tomatoes all right out of their truck beds.

One Saturday, a string ensemble of high school students in overalls played as people shopped. I couldn't help but be amused thinking this was now my country version of grocery shopping compared to the city version where classical piano plays in Kroger or Whole Foods while shopping is done in heels. This country style, I admit, is more colorful and bewildering but I appreciate it.

So we load the kids in the stroller and walk down the street five blocks to buy our goodies. It is a lovely way to start our Saturdays.

They had just got up only minutes before and were still rather dazed and puffy-eyed, Andrew especially ; )

Farm grown goodness

Breakfast to go....fresh blueberry muffins yum! (and little miss usually rides feet up)


The County Fair

Growing up in cities, county fairs were novelties you read about in Charlotte's Web. But not here in Kansas. This is the real deal with blue ribbon cows, homeade pies, and ferris wheels. I know some of kids showing their prized sheep and horses!

Gabe and Anna met us there. It was a perfect evening, we listened to some local performances, visited with friends, ate free watermelon, and tasted homeade lemonade that was heaven.

By far, the best is being able watching my two munchkins. Christiana didn't peep, she stared at all the different people and Nicholas jumped out of his shorts upon seeing airplanes rides.

Why didn't anyone tell me this would be so fun? Can it get any better than to watch your kids giggle with delight when riding on a ferris wheel or petting a puppy? My heart was swelling just seeing them at the fair with their little eyes of wonder.