

The "Elderly Couple"

The world around me was a blur...all I could see were these two little old people running from house to house trick or treating. Christiana's run resembled that of E.T. and Nicholas would run holding his pants to keep them from falling down.

I stared and laughed all night. They were too good to be true. I played "dress up" with my kids and had a ball.


  1. Anonymous11/04/2010

    maria i was literally crying at work i was laughing so hard- the wigs are just too much... hil

  2. ohhhhh my.. this is hilarious!! Please bring them home dressed up like this next time :)

  3.! adorable! Old people---I LOVE it. What precious children you have, Maria!

  4. Ok. This wins the award. And the great thing about seeing these photos...I could SMELL my childhood! We used to dress up in these weird old wigs of my Great Aunt Sally's. They were so fun...but smelled so bad. I can just imagine the hilariousness when you were getting them ready then watching them toddle and beg for candy as old folks. Maria, I just love this. And I love you! :)

  5. Maria,
    oh my goodness! how funny are your two little ones! I totally agree with anna! This totally reminds me of all the fun times getting in that trunk and pulling out all the dresses and wigs. It was some of the best memories in my childhood! I am sure your babes will treasure these photos.

  6. MARIA!!! they are too cute! thanks for sharing!!!!

  7. Anonymous11/17/2010

    maria!! this is soo cute! thanks for sharing, i miss them so much !
