

The Saga Continues: Crying over Cranberries

Saturday night, I mildly informed the babysitter the kids could have cranberry juice deluded with water if they needed a drink. Anna looked at me and said...cranberry juice is a diuretic...Pudding will have to go every 10 minutes.

I began to stare off into the distance...I had been giving her a diuretic drink the week I started to potty train her. Really? I won the "Dumbest Mom Move Ever" award. And all this time I was weeping over so much urine while the whole time being the instigator to her teeny little bladder going bazirk.

Well, chalk one up for the genius ; )

Meanwhile...I still gaze at this...

Week 2:


  1. how cute!

    you are not the dumbest mom ever goob! just don't give her coffee and cigarrettes as they too may have the same effect. ;)
