

Much of life has taken place since I last blogged.

Bugs: We went through a time of sickness for three weeks in a row. It made me appreciate my health to another degree and I’m glad we got it all before Spring.
Spring: has come to Kansas and the kids are in Heaven outdoors. They take all their favorite toys out to the dirt pile to see how the bulldozers and tractors and shovels will handle them. All the outdoor toys have made now made themselves at home in our yard that now looks like a yard sale or daycare.

Winter: was not as harsh or maybe because I was not harsh on winter. Regardless, I’m so grateful to God for making Spring and I will enjoy it – rain snow or shine.

Lent: I’m fond of this time because truly, it is so cleansing, like spring cleaning your soul. I was lucky enough to get to a silent retreat the weekend before Ash Wednesday. Each retreat starts off black and white and ends with seeing in color – so much learning about myself and Christ. Thank God we have them in our Catholic church. I’m enjoying the silence in not using much of the Internet and trying to pray and read more.

In the meantime…We're outside.

My sweetheart.

Please take note of eyebrows. They are not painted on.

Chums. Best playmates.

Sporting the latest Spring fashion from Talbot's Women section.

A sneak visit in of the new nephew. I squeezed and squished as much as I could.

Jeggins + Buns = Pinch Me

We have NO fear.


  1. yummy pics for the midnight hours:) I will never forget pudding's moccasins. My all time fave.

  2. You have some gorgeous kiddos! I love Christiana's outfit too :) She looks so grown up!

  3. Anonymous3/17/2011

    eeeeeeeee so cute! so big ;( wheres a preggo pic of you? Hilary

  4. presh! love seeing your updates!

  5. Maria- your two are beautifully precious! I particularly LOVE Pudding in jeggings! "iiiilarious" :) I wish we had a visit coming up soon. Miss you all so much!
