

Proud to be...Swim Model 2011

If you confused...scroll to bottom to see the swim model)

The Proud Parents of Veronica Rose...newly baptized, little saint.

It was a beatiful baptism after the 8a.m. Mass. Veronica did not peep. We witnessed the sacred sacrament and contemplated the immense event of her coming into the Catholic church, free from sin.

The Proud Godparents....with mystery surprise cousin inside the watermelon belly of mine.

Baptism Brunch Featured...Strawberry Chocolate chip Pancakes, compliments of Chef Gabe, eggs and sausage, cantaloupe, cinnamon rolls, and orange juice and coffee. Oh happy day.

Later that afternoon...

drum roll please.....

Pudding....Swimsuit Model for PinchMyCheecks Unlimited 2011...the Debut:

Pudding with Her Godmother...

I think I pinched both sets of cheeks no less than a hundred times. I stared at your soft yogurt knees and turned out toes ALL AFTERNOON. (more bathing suits pics to come)


  1. She looks like Grace in these pictures. Precious.

  2. Pudding is a little beauty! I want to bite those munchy cheeks! AND... I am putting my guess on it, you are having a boy. :)love you.

  3. I was dying to see those model pics!! I die!!
