

Out and About

At the zoo...

Since most of June was blocked off in anticipation of the baby, but with no baby as of yet, we decided to take a little family outing to our local zoo. Weather, 80 degrees with a sunshine and a breeze. PERFECT.

The Five of us...

Anna and Gabe

They brought an over sized plump grape for me to squeeze.

and Cousin Gabe

Meechie came too!

Kellan was a bonus ; )

Out of all the animals in the zoo...the kids were captivated by the baby ducks.

Never knew flamingos have eerie yellow eyes.

or that these giant tortoises live 200 years

Then we got to feed the giraffe...highlight of the trip...for Andrew ; )

For only $1 you could buy a branch for them to eat out of your hand...never knew leaves were $25 each...

And these are just down right odd creatures.

Afterward we ate hamburgers and ice cream at the famous, Freddy's. It was quite the treat. She had previously gave him a hug when she found out they were going to get ice cream to eat, and made sure to sit right next to him to eat hers.

When asked what their favorite animals were:

Nicholas: "The rhinos and the giraffes"

Christiana: "The whinos. They stinky, mom."

Andrew: "I'm a lion man" ....(we got to witness one of them go off into a rant of a roar and a zoo feeding....was very interesting.)

And after all that walking and exploring...not a single contraction...this little bambino is still very much chillin out enjoying the ride.


  1. goodness! love all the pics. you wear pregnancy so beautifully and anna's fam is presh. the last pic is the sweetest- his crooked hat and her total concentration on getting that last bite. oh, what will we do when they are big?

  2. Maria, what great pics! I am stealing!
    Such great memories with you all that I will forever cherish.
