


Family Stacation was fun, hot, and hilarious and I can't believe we pulled it off. I was apprehensive to travel with a two week old newborn, but we fared well enough.

It was a grand occasion to have ALL 11 SIBLINGS in one place at the same time. What a happy memory that week will be for me. Thank God for mom and dad having each one of us, because each sibling is a gift and offers something special to all of us.

Anna -
If ever I need a hardy belly laugh, I have only to think of you falling off the hammock while nursing and continuing to do so while laying on your back. Then there is also the moment you thought a bug landed on you only to realize Paul's flinging experiment worked and landed on your head. You always add another dimension of humor to every family situation.

(Clearly we are not expressive people)
P.S. I enjoyed having you as a nursing buddy while everyone frolicked about else where, you did not leave me alone ; )
P.S.S. And only you could know my taste perfectly to pick out my new fave top from H&M for my bday.

Tricia -
I think everyone would agree John Philip is your gift to the world. He almost isn't real. You can't but stare at him because he is just too delicious for words. His smiles at ANYONE and EVERYONE and your heart melts. No wonder God is giving you another. We need more of those in the world. ; ) I forgive you for having a perfect child that we all envy.

Angela -
The kids love thier "Mimi" - who else will buy them giant lolly pops and fireworks. Who else would spend all thier extra money buying them fun tshirts and coordinating outfits. Who else would sacrifice her time to take kids into the pool for hours, get little people juice 100 times, and work her buns off at work to be with the family? Thank you for being the "Auntie" of our family and my kids' childhood favorite.

Joe -
The King of relax and good coffee. It was so fun to see you play with all the little kids. Thank you for bravely updating Anna and I openly about the current state of your life, You willing to talk to whoever is around and attentive to listen. Thank you for getting a haircut.

Jana -
I'm in awe of your generosity to give a 2nd year as a missionary. What a big heart you have, defying the world view to live for only yourself - it is an honor to have you as a sister. You love in the details...making 18 hundred blt sandwhiches so we could all have lunch by the poolside to creating a magical movie experience for the kids with themed snacks and goodies. Thank you for sharing all your talent with us. Oh and for your style advice and for that skirt you gave me.

Madeline -
Your's contagious. I love being around you and love hearing the humorously dramatic version of things from your perspective. It was fun to chat and listen to your life plans with Megan and Maddy. There is so much potential and promise in you and I can't wait to see what God has planned : )

Peter -
The mover and the shaker...actually pulling off diner to go and getting the family to leave on time for the baseball game is a miracle in itself. We loved the power point presentation on the Zuniga Olympics and your ideas and organization. Thank you for keeping traditions and making new ones.

Paul -
You were so kind to play baseball with Nicholas for hours, showing him all your airplanes and helicopters, getting out all your old toys and setting up games. You do such a good job at playing with all the kids. Congratulations, you are now Nicholas' favorite uncle.

Gianna -
You are always there to wake up early with the brightest smile on her face, always quiet in the background ready to get someone their bottle or cup or to take outside, You have the most humble heart of our family! I'm sooo thankful for you Gianna, I saw you so many times give of yourself so joyfully in so many ways.

P.S. Hope you are keeping your shop open - I love my new fridge magnets!

Grace -

Oh my what to say about Grace. You loved all the babies and took such good care of them. You wanted to know how each one ate - whether they drank from a bottle for from the stomach. You were such a good playmate to Nicholas and Christiana. I loved listening to your conversations. Thank you for your voice and your "Hair as long as Tangled"

Mom and Dad -
You have given us the greastest gift of all - the gift of siblings - our hearts overflow with love, because each one gives the other their special and unique gifts, memories, and talents. You have formed 11 people, a generation, who can look at you, thier parents, and understand what it means to love in all its truth.l Thank you.

Other Staycation Highlights

Fourth of July Firework Show

Watching the show curbside...

Guys vs. Girls Volleyball in the Pool
It got heated...only 20 some odd fiercely competitive people in the pool at one time.

Cardinals vs. Reds Baseball divided.

(Patiently waiting to catch a ball.)

Grandchildren Photo Shoot...with Aunt Grace. (Yes, the minuture screaming baby is Avila - there always needs to be at least one crying baby in a grandchild photo shoot - she volunteered with arms open wide)

Picnic Outing to Forest Park


  1. Thanks for writing down these memories! I will cherish them forever!

  2. Ok, so I'm sitting here at work with writer's block...blankly staring at this treatment plan having no idea what to write or where even to begin...So I of course turn to the WWW and saunter over to your blog. I cannot tell you how happy your sibling post just made me. You have a way with words and you're using them just as God would have you use highlight the value of family. I am so thankful to know you and your big beautiful family. I miss you! get back to my staring...through tear filled eyes. :)

  3. Maria- this post was so precious! Little tears!- I just love all you Zunis so much. Katie
