

The Attendant

Meet Rico Suave. So Aunt Damaris was in the Homecoming court last weekend and the tradition at the school is to have mini attendants. Nicholas was the chosen one. I couldn't help telling him that in order to be an attendant he had to wear sunglasses. Once again, mom gets to play dress up with her children. He took his job very seriously. Part of the role as attendant is getting to ride in the truck bed (oh small town highs) during the Homecoming parade. He had quite the adventure. George McFly and his gal. Pudding thought she would get to ride in the truck too, because there is usually nowhere she goes without Nicholas.

We had many guests come in for the big event. Kristen and Jora came and brought their kids and Mila. Mila brought her own surprise. Lindsay +5 came (without John and baby). Cousin Bridget and Margaret. Kathryn came from Benedictan, and Tim and Hilary (and to the children's delight brought their dogs ;)

Mila's Surprise...Hurray!

Large Marge also made an appearance at Homecoming sporting her skinny jeans and double chin. Since she is almost four months now she's decided to turn a new leaf and sit calm as cucumber during outings. I think she heard too many rumors that she was a fussy newborn. Our little Somebody...


  1. ohh Maria! you are blessed with such a BEAUTIFUL family! I am at work right now just smiling away at your PRECIOUS pictures. my favorites are of Nicholas and Christiana together. I love how Nicholas always has his arm around his little sister. :happy sigh: God is so good!! Hmmm...somehow we need a reunion...! miss you!

  2. Mariaaaa.. too stinking much!! I love when you post, it makes my day so much happier. Please remember us aunties who miss you guys to death, and post more often! :) XO

  3. I have dibbs on Large Marge!
    Love every picture.

  4. Anonymous6/02/2013

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