

Halloween at this age is just for parent viewing pleasure...and there was much to be had. Although somewhat stressful - ok very stressful - after a mix of 20 bribes and threats and then ending with a "Who's Excited for Halloween" we made it out the door and into the streets for 1.2 hours of candy bliss.
Somebody didn't make a peep the whole night- it may have been because she screamed for an hour that afternoon refusing to take her nap (she must have been too excited for Halloween)

All I can see in this picture is big head of rainbow hair on a little body...delightful.

Showing Dad our treasures after each house. Christiana would tell Dad she got some for him too.


  1. Wait why is Andrew there? I thought he was to be gone?? Well hopefully he "surprised" you;)

    I just love scrumptious head pudding in her clown costume. I am glad goddaughter is carrying on the tradition for me. And Avila is delightful.

  2. Maria! The best post!! Love your sentiments about all of the afternoon shenanigans. Bribes work! Your kids are so precious!!
