

Five and Feeln Alive

He has no idea how much joy he brings to Andrew and I. No one could have ever told me how how this little boy could make my life so wonderful. Truly, each day he makes my heart just melt.
Nicholas tries diligently to do what is right, he is generous in sharing his toys, quick to apologize for any offense, and always, always, happy.

We merely have to pick up a baseball, football, or basketball, soccer ball, or golf ball and he is instantly in heaven. If we let him, he would play for hours upon hours. From the start, he has always been passionate about playing every sport. (the apple doesn't fall from the tree here)

Me: "Nicholas, if you eat your vegetables, you will be really fast." (a huge motivation in for him)
Nicholas: "Mom, if I eat these green beans will I be faster than Jesus?"
Me: "No Nicholas, no one is faster than Jesus"
Nicholas, "Well, I might be faster than Jesus"
and ever so often....
Nicholas: "Mom, I love you as big as the earth"
"Mom, I love you with all my heart, all my soul, and all my strength."
(taken from his night prayers to love Jesus with all his heart, soul, and strength - needless to say, I feel loved ;)
Nicholas: "Pudding, what is 5,000 plus 5,000? (blank stare by Christiana)...10,000!"
Andrew and I, "Nicholas, make a wish as you blow out your candles...what do you wish for?"
Nicholas: " Jesus"
(well, ok, that's a good answer I guess ;)


  1. He makes me cry when he says things like that...shoot!
    Wish we could have been there!

  2. What a sweet sweet boy! Oh my, I love him so!

  3. What a sweet sweet boy! Oh my, I love him so!

  4. What a sweet sweet boy! Oh my, I love him so!

  5. What a sweet sweet boy! Oh my, I love him so!

  6. What a sweet sweet boy! Oh my, I love him so!

  7. What a sweet sweet boy! Oh my, I love him so!

  8. What a sweet sweet boy! Oh my, I love him so!

  9. What a sweet sweet boy! Oh my, I love him so!

  10. Uhh.. I'm not sure whats going on, but I'm on my phone and can't control it! Haha I'm sorryyy..
