

Animal Watching

We woke up Saturday morning to a beutiful hot summer day and decided over coffee that it was a good day for our annual trip to the zoo. It was sunny and 85 degrees when we arrived at 1p.m. (not worried about missing naps or the heat by any means). All the little people magically faired well.

This year we were lucky to have Bridget and William and Joe and Marci join us, even with such random short notice. We pickniced first and the kids were provided with theatrical entertainment by the lovely Margaret.


We did get to see some amazing animals and our annual favorites are the rhinos, giraffes, and tigers. Of course watching the little animals we happen to own and their delight and amazement is always more fun. They sqealed at the pink flamingos and ooed and awed when the kangaroos jumped. Simple. Pure. Enjoyment.
                                        (please note Margaret's pony tail sprout and her beautiful mother)

I refrained from taking pictures of all the zoo animals because after three years in a row of taking the same pictures of the same animals, the pictures always seems so droll when I get back. (like, wow, there is a picture of a tiger, um...ok... should I put this in the photo album? nah.)

Although, Joe squirted the tiger with a water bottle and it turned to hiss at us showing it's 10 inch fangs...that would have been a good picture had I been ready. So this one will have to suffice.

                I stared equally, if not more, at a little fat hobbit and her feet in the stroller.

1 comment:

  1. Love these photos so much. Of course my favorite is Avila's bedazzled feet.
