

Let's Go Fly A Kite

Nicholas and Christiana make me sing "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from the movie Mary Poppins, in my nightly repitiore of songs before they go to sleep. Not sure how and when that got added, but none-the-less...I always tell them someday we will go fly a kite.

This past week, our community activiy center had a day to decorate and fly kites for the kids. If only I could have bottled their joy and excitement when I told them we were going. Priceless.

There were a handfull of us there. The kids (and moms who like to color) got to color and decorate them before they were assembled and even pick out the tails. Nicholas picked out a KU themed one, father's son that he is.

                        There was just enough breeze for the kites to take off; they absolutely loved it.

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