

That Parent and The Adjustment Bureau

We had Parent Orientation the other week. I was soooo the "First Time Parent" getting to the classroom early, gleefully looking around at everything in the classroom and wanting to sign up for every possible volunteer opportunity. While everyone other parent modestly signed up for one activity, I restrained myself to sign up for only three. Any questions? I had 63. I went so far as to suggest to the teacher that she video the kids for a day so we can see them in action. Wow...did I really suggest that? And the thing about it is...I knew I was "that parent" the whole time, I just couldn't help myself.

How Are We Adjusting?

Here at the Adjustment Bureau we have tried to correct certain issues such as this:

I was telling Nicholas to get ready for school the next day and Christiana welled up in tears and cried, "I don't want Nicholas to go to Kindewgawten."
and then sporadically throughout the day, " I miss Nicholas".

(I guess her paint sets have lost their luster.)

With this....

                                         Making and Eating Sweets....
 Wearing Nicholas' clothes (Nicholas kindly offered her his tshirt, shorts, socks and old shoes to wear and they were both so proud of the ensemble)

Bake Bread in your Underware - Highly Theraputic

So I promised these grand things, like going to the library, baking chocolate chips (cookies), and play dates and a whole host of other things. But surprisingly she is really good about entertaining herself and keeping content.

Avila's doesn't seem to mind Nicholas being gone, she busily resorts to her morning reads...

Fridge Raids...(I looked at this picture and then cleaned out my

And Trying on Everyone's Shoes...

Oh the places those stubby hobbit feet wonder. I do bathe her every once in a while. 
Lately we have been able to sport this little sprout. 

In Other News....
We received a generous portion of onions from a local farmer and Andrew was giddy with excitement because we would be saving money. I love this man. He took the initiative to peel, chop and bag all 99 of them, watering our eye balls out and all....

Please note his glee...
Just a few more photos of her sprout, the fat that gathers over her knees, kankles, and a squatting position that makes me grit my teeth with her chub drooping over.
I could look at those legs all day...well I do really.

We are appreciating our adventures and exploring with new crafts and cooking projects. It has been so fun having these two girls at home! They are not without their squabbles and screams and there is more play food and dolls laying around than trains and tractors. And so our little life goes on...


  1. cutie pies. the pic of the fridge looks immaculate compared to mine! don't feel bad! :)

  2. Anonymous9/07/2012

    awwww love it!

  3. SERIOUSLY! so. cute. can't. stand. it.

  4. This was therapeutic for my heart.
    I miss pudding soooo much I could cry.
    And Avila...its a taunt not to be able to squeeze those kankles.
    Thank you for this amazing post!
