

Out and Under

Joining what seems to be the rest of the world: officially down and out with the flue bug.

My little somebody caught it, hasn't held anything down all day.

She looked so sweet and helpless, poor thing. She is sitting on her pile of books we keep re-reading...along with baby einstein videos. (thank heaven for those)

There are a few smiles here and there
Am watching and waiting and hoping my little kung po is healthy again soon.


  1. worst bug ever... it got to maria and ole man klare NEW YEARS EVE. best of luck. ours lasted 5 full days of yuckiness. maria has never watched so much "fresh beat band" in her life and neither has mommy!

  2. I love her tummy. :) squishy squishy squishy.

  3. New follower here, I jussssst realized that you are Anna's sister and somehow related to Lindsay from My Child I Love You. What a talented bloggy family you have!
