


It's coming. The other day it climbed to mid 50 degrees and we walked outside without our coats on...

So the next day when it turned cold and windy again, I almost bought a plane ticked to Florida, planned a sister weekend for May, and called my mom about visiting the first week we get out of school.

Nine days into February, I find myself slightly ready for Spring.

I was smiling ear to ear looking at the stem shooting out in defiance of winter's death. It's funny, I can be surprised every time.

In the cold and dark, it's like two month fast from earth's beauties and pleasures. Winter does produce a gift of its own, after the absence, I can see and hear in joy what I once took for granted.

Just the common Cedar Waxwing, but when the earth has been silentand  lifeless for months, the chirping was startling to hear.

 I'm a total bird nerd taking pictures of them.  BUT, it was a sign that God always is faithful, makes the sun rise every morning and every year, without fail, flowers bloom, and birds come back, and the earth is warm again, even when it seems it never will.

 We got out our bicycles, walked around the block, swung on the swings, and played tag....and of course grilled out.

We are summer by nature here.


  1. "a sister's weekend in may" I BETTER BE INVITED!!!

  2. haha SISTER'S WEEKEND is what caught my eye too!!! i want to do one with my sisters!!!
