

Good Vision

Last night, Andrew and I were invited to attend a fundraising banquet for a pregnancy center here in our town. We were both taken aback by the keynote speaker, Gail McWilliams. 

I assumed she was just another Christian speaker...

1. She was told she would never have children. 
2. She ends up getting pregnant, but starts loosing her eye sight. 
3. Pregnant with her 2nd child, her doctor says she had to choose between her baby and her eye sight. 
4. She choose her baby and went on to have 3 more children and lost her vision. 
5. She now talks all over the world about the value of life. 

 She was wonderful, a true life giving hero, one who has surrendered everything to her Lord.

THIS is her story 
But you should listen to her full SPEECH. SOOOO good! 

In the face of this week with Gosnell and Boston she was a such a breath of fresh air and hope. I love knowing their are people who are fighting the battle for life.  

As passionate Christian, she knows of that the "Harvest is ripe and the laborers few" ...if not you who? 

What a good reminder. 

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