

Where We Are Right Now


Favorite Past Time: Goodness that boy loves basketball, or playing the game Trouble with Christiana

Said Lately: Mom, mailbox is a compound word, so is basketball and applesauce.  (heck if I remember what compound words are...I do now, thanks son.)
                   When I grow up, I'm going to give away my toys when I become St. Nicholas. 

Big Steps: Starting to read music notes through piano lessons.


Favorite Pastime: Cooking in the Kitchen, Writing me notes and coloring, playing Trouble with Nicholas, watering her plants for her garden.

Said Lately: Mom, I'm giving my dollars to the poor people. When asked what her name was at PreK day she told her teacher and classmates, "Pud". 

Big Steps: Learned how to read! She just finished her first three sets of Bob Books. Wanting to be just like her big brother may have played a big part in motivating her...along with getting a pink fishing pole if we read for 14 days in a row. 

Coming very much into her own these days...oh what fun we are. 

Favorite Pastime: Dancing in living room to the Rio or Sound of Music soundtrack, stealing Trouble pieces and running away, turning on the water in the bathroom and watching it run, emptying out the entire contents of the cup and tupperware drawer.

Said Lately: Peas Mama Eat (Please Mama Eat)on the hour every hour
"I wuv you"
"Do Re Mi"

Big Steps: Matching our colors correctly, waking up happy, maintaining "stable" behavioral patterns for longer periods of time.

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