

His and Hers Grad Gifts

Since Andrew is a teacher, we are often invited to dozens of high school seniors' graduation parties.

It can really add up if we did a $20 dollar gift or cash for each one. Cards alone are about $4 each! (I decided to make my own cards this year and save $50)

And instead of a small $10 bill and boring cash...we did something they could use. 

His and Hers Laundry To Go Bags: Pretty and Practical 

Gift Includes: 
- Laundry Tote  (something similar via Sears)
- Detergent Gels (off brand and at $1 store)
- Tide/Bleach pens 
- Fabreeze Spray
Cellophane Bags and Ribbon (recycled from previous gifts)
Cost: About: $12

For those students we are not as close to - we did up the bags without the totes and just did detergent, Tide pens, Dryer Sheets, and a Lint Brush.
Total Cost w/o Totes: $8

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