

Summer in 4 and 6

June is my absolute favorite month of the year. The very sweetest part of summer. Bright beautiful warm mornings, and late nights when the sun doesn't set until way after 9, fireflies visit and vegetables start making their first appearances in the garden.  (my rosy sentimental side) I can't help it, I love summer. 

Nicholas and Christiana rush outside after breakfast each morning to ride their bikes down the driveway and sidewalk. And every morning Avila throws a fit trying to follow them, mad that she can't get her two year old squatty body to make the trike go. The minor tantrums are usually a nice break amid the quiet morning silence. 

The two biggest highlights for the kids this week:  
1. Finding lady bugs in the yard. 
2. Visiting the water fountain four blocks down. 

They RAN and SQUEALED at finding lady bugs and gazed for ever. Christiana told me the story TWICE that she found a grasshopper on her swim towel. 

They started long and hard at the flowing water and rode their bikes around the little park no less then 48 times. 

 3. Couldn't forget Birthday girl's big trip to DQ...getting ice cream is a very special treat in this house. Definite highlight. 

 I love their WONDER at creation, their simplicity to SEE the everyday ordinary amazing works of art in the earth. 

This summer, I'm getting a taste of living it again as 4 and 6, looking at bugs and water, and dandelions all over and new again.


  1. weird. I am JUST writing a post like this.. :) my babe sees everything with new, innocent eyes- everything is exciting to the little ones!


  2. I can't stop the tears from pouring..... i miss your little fam too much! will be traveling wednesday and will have phone reception til saturday.. chat??! much love!

  3. Oh how this makes me want to move out of the city! Your children are too cute and I am SO jealous of your summer mornings!!
