

And There Was June

It was wonderful. It flew by, but we squeezed it for the all the best. Will my children look back on their childhood and love it as much I loved living it with them? I hope so.

I still go by mother's best advice and philosophy on raising young children: Don't fill up your days with too much activity, it is good for children to be "bored" so they may awaken their creativity.

I chose not to enroll in camp after camp or sign up for too much activity...We just enrolled in a simple and sweet style summer, all together.

Visiting Godparents in KC...they know all the fun places to go!

 TBall   He was the "Clean Up" Batter and made 2 home runs. I never knew that would be so incredibly fun to witness.

Eating Snow Cones...two blocks down and one block over they set up a portable shop. Highlight for sure.

Building Forts

Truck Rides During Harvest...thanks to Uncle Dom!

Sister Time + Cousin Time...Nicholas was almost crying he was laughing so hard watching crazy cousins John and Dominic go down the slide.

We got lots of visiting in with these two Locos ;)

After eating a sour blue raspberry snow cone, I didn't want to take a picture with blue i have a wierd smirk with blue lips.

They came in for a few days and we all went to go get massages and eat chocolate. It was grand. Love them.

Visiting Nanna and might as well have been Disney Land to them.

They swam for hours every day...and Grace was never lacking in protective swimwear.

                            Backside Delight.

Nicholas played basketball every hour he wasn't in the pool and Paul was a hero for playing with him for hours.

Visiting the Zoo!

 Avila Celebrating 2 year Birthday

Thank you God for this time to be together, not without scrapes and falls, tantrums and timeouts, whining and wanting too much, but amidst the normal growing pains of these little ones, there were some deeply happy moments shared as a family, the small beginings of their childhood. May I continue to serve them with more patience, more tenderness, more selflessly.

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