

You Are My Sunshine

I wish that song wouldn't immediately come to my head on the first day of every school year. They'll never know how much I love them....

The start of another school year always sends me into reflection mode.

 The truth is, I love having them at home. I listen to their conversations and watch them play for hours. All summer we did science experiments, read books, planned adventures, and played games. I am going to miss them so much.

These years I thought school was ages away. We were in the new realm of parenting toddlers. 

Nicholas will be in Second Grade. Sporting the "not sure how I should smile, smile" ;). He wants to be a scientist and study living things when he grows up.

Christiana started Kindergarten. It is always a huge milestone. They are still puffy and small and look as though they shouldn't be leaving to go on their own.

In my mind, I go back to these days....and my heart hurts and feels like it weighs ten thousand pounds. I know time and life and life and time will continue to remain a mystery.

It's how I know we are made for Heaven, a place without time and no goodbyes, a place with foreverness.

My lovely wonderful sunshine, always smiling and hugging anyone she encounters, pure joy in her soul when she wakes till she sleeps.


I know I only have today to take it all in. I will look back on the days I'm in now when they are in high school. So I will continue to relish the time I have been given in the now.

Thanks to Aunt Hilary, Nicholas woke up to find a brand new pair of shoes to go to school. He talked about getting new shoes all summer and I told him the ones he had were fine. Thank goodness for fairy godmothers ;)

                             Of course, it puts my heart at ease with this man working at the school. They all walked to the car together and drove off.

Fortunately I was too emotionally drained from being sick, having all the family in for the wedding that I didn't cry my eyes out. They both were beaming to get to go to school. It's easier when I know they are happy. Here's to another year! AMDG.


  1. Oh Maria!! I cannot imagine the process letting go for a new little journey to begin in your children. I love your example and how much you teach me through your writings. Thank you for sharing with us again, please stay for a long while! :) xo

  2. "pull up a chair, much of life happens here."

    So fitting! It's more often you'll find our kids at the kitchen table with water colors and puzzles then in their playroom or bedrooms. I guess since I spend so much of my day in the kitchen, it's only natural for them to gravitate towards the kitchen table.

  3. Thank you so much Ange.:)

    Margaret I know right?! I remember as a kid, always wanting to be wherever my mom was...and that was usually in the kitchen (and if not there folding laundry somewhere ;) When I go back's still the same! ha.
