

My Sole Responsibility

"Parents, it is your responsibility to be the first educators of the Catholic faith and to keep this light of faith burning." 

 Each baptism brings into supreme focus my sole responsibility in this vocation God has asked of me. Not to have my kitchen floors swept and toilets cleaned or kids noses wiped and looking perfect. Although, admittedly that is what most times I get caught up with during the day.

He will ask me if I got Andrew to Heaven and then if I did all in my power to instill the knowledge and love of our Catholic faith to my children. What a very serious and sacred mission.

At night before I go to bed, it is this question I should ask myself.

She was baptized on August 15th, the Feast of the Assumption. I have a feeling this little girl, who was born on the Feast of the Dedication of Mary Major, whom her middle name, Mercedes is Spanish for Mary Mother of Mercy, will be especially guided by her Mother Mary.


It was incredibly special for Andrew to baptize her alongside Dominic and his daughter Charlotte.

I wonder what we could see on the other side as a new soul is born into the Church family and original sin erased and a daughter of God made new...Heaven rejoicing...our journey to get her there beginning.

Our dear friend and priest Fr. Jarett Konrade did the baptism, as he was in town for Kathryn's wedding.

We proudly chose John and Lindsay with the care of being her Godparents, we couldn't admire these two more as a godly examples of constant heroic fidelity to the Catholic faith in their daily lives.

We thank Aunt Kristin for so kindly supplying our baptismal gown, since I was grossly unprepared ;)

My two pillars, my mother and happy they could be there to witness Julia's big day.


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