

Running Races

He stood there holding Julia in one hand and a cold beer in the other.

We watched the kids running in the back yard, running races, and he said: "THIS is life."

I'm grateful for those moments I look at the kids, freeze their faces in my mind, I soak them in and try to absorb them, relish them.

I try to focus in on their presence. They each long to be listened to intently and watched undistractedly. 

I watch them as they get lost in their elements...

I love what they love. 

Yes, this is life, learning to focus on the OTHER, loving the privileged to love them.


  1. Yay! So excited to see you posting again! I'm behind :) loving your newest addition! So beautiful, Congratulations!

  2. Katie!!! :) So great to hear from you!! Thank you :)
