

Mr. Stinky Feet Concert

Oh what fun Nicholas had at his first concert. Nicholas lifts up his feet for us to smell every time we take his shoes and socks off so he can hear us say, "Shoowee stinky feet." He gets a kick out of it so I thought this concert woudl be appropriate. He danced and watched all the kids, (and Andrew and I) make lots of crazy ridiculous moves to the songs. Cousins Benedict and Sebastian even got to go up on stage. I think I just loved watching Nicholas dance the most.

New Face Lift

This past weekend Dominic, Andrew, and I (but mostly the guys) knocked out the painting job our house needed by painting the shudders and window trim from a putrid green to a clean black and white. They worked so hard and now our house doesn't look too shabby ; )


Little Buns Run

This scooter has been the joy of someone's little life lately. Immediately upon going outside he beelines straight for it. He runs up and down the sidewalk and would do so all day if we let him. He usually ends up parking it in Meechie's yard to vist the girls, the dogs, or the swing. I can't image why he heads for her yard everytime. I love to see the back of him run and his little buns in those jeans.



Nicholas' favorite past time these days is to color. He opens the second desk drawer, pulls out the bag of crayons and then gets his paper out from under the desk. He'll plop down and scribble for a good 10-15 minutes at a time. He concentrates so hard and his little circle scribbles are funny to see.


Fall Tailgating

Thanks to Hilary and Tim...we had a blast watching some football and eating good food in Lincoln on Saturday night.

The Pumpkin Patch

I know I was by far more excited than anyone to go to this huge pumpkin farm. It was such a tradition in my family growing up to visit a pumpking or apple farm in the fall and ride a hay ride. So it brought back fun memories, but it was also neat to start our own.

Roca Berry was a beautiful fall day and this farm had so many fun things for Nicholas...and for Andrew and I to do ; ) Lindsay was with us - which made it extra fun. Pig races were interesting and there was miniture Candy Land. The best was Giant Pumpkins in the fields. I think they thought I stole one and hid it under my shirt.


My Chipmunk

So a humorous incident this morning happened at breakfast. Nicholas ate a hardy bowl of cereal with half a banana, a piece of toast and half a yogurt. Good, I thought - he should be full and ready to go. I washed his hands and he started to play in the family room. I had made myself some coffee and peanut butter toast with some bananas on it, set it next to the computer and ran to the bathroom. I was hungry and anxious to eat. When I got out two minutes later, I found Nicholas sitting at the computer, mouth covered in peanut butter, and all the bananas missing from the toast. As I headed toward him, he put his hand out to stop me from coming closer, guarding his little treasure of food. Some coffee had spilled onto the counter and the mug's handle had peanut butter on it, he must have thought he would have some coffee to go with his toast. So my breakfast that I was so looking forward to eating was stolen by a little porky chipmunk thief.