

I'll take Two Cheeks with Cream Filling

Celebrating one month of life! Little Petunia weighs 10lbs. Her one month check up was today. It's so fun to see them grow and sad at the same time. She's not a newborn anymore...we've progressed into 3 month clothes now; her little angel buns fill out these fleece pants. I hope she gets even more rolly polly. Her cheeks are definitely cream filled (both the ones on top and the ones on the bottom ; )and I can't believe how blue her eyes are...still has darker skin and hair though...we'll see.


Thank Heaven for Little Boys

I will admit these days are more difficult with two little ones. Nicholas accomplished the challenging feat of pooping 7 times today. Is that humanly possible? Maybe I should submit that to the book of world records. Thankfully my little luv tub gives me some comic relief during the day. I don't know what got into that big head of his, but he put that bucket on like a hat and marched, played, and explored with it on...I got a good belly laugh at the sight of him for some reason.

On this Inaugural Day...

"All men are created equal." Thomas Jefferson

Wow - check out this commercial aired on BET:

This lead me to some deep thinking....

What I watched on television today was not the inaugaration. I caught some of an Oprah show which did a special on Martin Luther King Jr. It was inspiring to watch and sent chills up my spine as I observed a spiritual humble servant of God who spent his life fighting for justice, fighting for dignity, and fighting for the freedom of all people.

I could not help but think how he may have faught against the greater injustice of abortion.

His eloquence drew hundreds of thousands to listen and was a strong force that lead our nation declare segration laws unconstitutional.

I understand to a degree the hope and excitement drawn around the inaugaration of Barack Obama because for so many in this country it is a proud moment of accomplishment they all are taking part in as the first African American president. As with Martin Luther King Jr., the feelings and sentiments of enthusiam and the spirit of hope he gave Americans in a time of confusion, ring out and accompany Barack Obama as he drew over 2 million people to his inaugaration today.

"On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear. The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness." President Barack Obama

His words are indeed eloquent, but chilling as I realize those words and that promise he makes will ironically be broken when he signs the "Freedom of Choice Act" in a few days. This is the undoing of what Martin Luther King Jr. worked and died for - the freedom and equality of all people, with the killing of the most innocent and weakest in our society, the baby in the womb.

I believe we should always choose hope over fear, but my hope will always be in Christ, not in man and not in this man as much as I will be required to respect him as my new president. So my personal hope is that love will conquer evil. If anything, today has lead me to see my responsibility as a citizen of this country to fight harder with more vigour, more prayer, and more sacrifice for the freedom and dignity of all life, especially the unborn.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Martin Luther King Jr.


Fresh and Clean

So no more sponge baths, she finally gets the real thing. She didn't make a peep with her first real bath. Giving an infant a bath is def a two person job or maybe we aren't that experienced. Either way...she's soft and sweet and ready to eat : )


Christiana's Baptism

While the family came to Kansas we arranged for Christiana to be baptized. It was New Year's Eve after the Mass celebrating Mary, Mother of God. Most of the family was home sick, but luckily, Mom and Dad and Damaris made it. Angela came to the Mass and Tricia and Phil to the baptism. Anna and Gabe were the godparents, although Gabe was rather incapacitated at the time, but he was definitely there in spirit. We celebrated with a big pink and white ice cream cake that her godmother bought. I went to bed on New Year's Eve at 10p.m. Whoo hoo!


The Breast Infection

My sick face.

My face as I nursed with a Brest

I'm very fascinated that the body can react to infection with the speed of lightening. Within a matter of 2 hours I was cemented to the couch with body aches, chills, fever, and a throbbing chest. It hit so strong and so fast - and what is more amazing is that antibiotics can kill with almost the same speed as it came on - thanks be to God. Being sick leave one to a lot of thinking...and my thoughts were that suffering through sickness can only be good for one thing. Saving your own soul or that of others; otherwise it completely awful and pointless so we might as well make good use out of it.


The Zuniga's Come to Kansas

Madeline with Christiana

Pappa rocking Christiana to sleep

Aunt Grace - somewhat disgruntled after awakening from a nap

"Mimi" with Nicholas

Out and about in Beloit - Pizza Hut.

Everyone actually made the 7 hour drive from St. Louis (in 9 hours) to come visit us all the way out here in Kansas!! Everyone including Anna and Gabe from Atlanta, Tricia and Phil, who drove from Colorado, and Angela from North Carolina all made the trip. We felt so honored and lucky to have them come...then we felt sad that everyone got the stomach flew at the same time. That was crazy, awful, and kind of funny at the same time, but we still had an awesome visit filled with hunting, football watching, and baby holding. Family makes me happy and I'm still filled even though they have all left.