

It's been ages since i've blogged...and once you get out of blogging - it's hard going back because no one likes to recap months at one time. but here goes:


- 10 year Franciscan University Alumni reunion - Rugby match - Andrew scores first tri
- I get to see my very bestest friend Anna.
- Avila rolls over at 3 months and 1 week.
- Christiana officially changed her name to Henry (after the train) and corrects us up to

87 times a day if we call her differently.


- Labor Day in Colorado - first time camping and seeing the Rockies - Estes Park

- Avila giggles for first time and for those rare and brief moments I'm in Heaven.


- Andrew's Birthday - at a wine vinyard (in Kansas) hosting a Greek Festival.
- Trip to St.Louis - last hurrah of summer.

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