

A Little Detail...from God

Today was our first snow. The snow fell out of the sky like huge soft white feathers. It was beautiful to watch. I immidiately called Nicholas and Christiana to come and look. Their grew wide with awe and wonder. I think it's funny that the first snow can always draw the same reaction no matter how old we are.

Nicholas remembered well enough to get his coat on and run outside. I got a picture with my phone since Andrew had the camera. Of course, the trains made it out there too and were dragged through the half inch of it.

At one point, Nicholas looked up in the sky and said, "Jesus' Heaven celebration"...not quite sure where that came from.

After naptime, they asked of Santa Clause came. I chuckled at their little logical thinking.

So this is how Jesus, in his love for details, spoke to my heart today. So fact one:Ever since I was little, I've loved George Winston's December album and in particular, Carol of the Bells, and I love playing it as soon as Thanksgiving arrives. Fact two: There is a long standing tradition in our family that whenever the first snow falls and sticks, you are allowed to call the other family members, usually cousins, and play Christmas music over the phone - you win if the snow fall hits your house first.

Today...the snow started falling. I briefly thought about finding my christmas cds and calling my family far away, but holding Avila that process seemed too much at the time. I usually listen to classical piano on Pandora. It was palying this morning as I starred out my window looking at the snow and thinking how creative the mind of God to design the rain to freeze into something so intricate and mystical as snow....and as a gentle way of bringing in something that is cold....then my favorite song came on, out of nowhere, not even in a Christmas playlist. It was as if God was reaching out into my day, calling my heart and playing the song for me.

It is little I know, but I know God loves in the details, and knows my heart well enough to know how to make it smile big inside. It did. I hope I can love Him in return in little details of my daily wet pants, spit up, constant asking for things....which I usually miss to see.

Switching modes

....SOMEBODY is had her check up and is in the 70% percentile for weight and 75% for seems we have a classic little meatball. I don't think she looks that big but then again I'm not one for growth charts, we never even made the charts in our house growing up...maybe 10th percentile of something.

Avila, since she is five months now. (how is that possible?, pretty sure it's still September in my head) She tried rice for the first time and she acted like she knew what she was doing - leaning into the spoon and opening her mouth wide. She must be secretly watching us eat and taking notes.


  1. hey girl. it's been forever since i have checked in on you, but i am so glad i did! I love seeing your kiddles grow up... and that Avila is so adorable!
    I hope you have a great thanksgiving and blog it. i look forward to keeping up with you. love you.

  2. I read your post about snow and God's love in the details. And I cried. And now I'm back to work. I hope you and your fam have the happiest Thanksgiving ever. I am very thankful for you! :)
