

Turkey Hash

The food, the table, the family, playing family and catch phrase, Ron Pual, push up contests, and lots of stories made it a great great Thanksgiving.

Condensed version via pictures:

Table Before Lindsay got to it.... The table after Lindsay...

Thank you Thanksgiving wouldn't have been as much fun without a pretty table!

The meal....

I sqeezed and nibbled on her all day

Watching all the cooks in the kitchen

The food spread....oh food how I love thee.... The little girls cousin table

Post meal....Favorite Aunt Hilary with the dogs....

Jora and Andrew.....

Oops...I mean Mila and Avila ... sorry to hurt your feelings Avs

We stared at Mila all weekend - love her! And Kri too ; )

Crazy Uncle Tim...

Nicholas loved the dogs...subconsciously stuck out his tongue while petting them-every time.

We decided to play off our Thanksgiving meal by going to the park - illegally.

Don't these women just scream fun?! They are.


  1. truly, edible! mmm Thanksgiving is so lovely.

  2. truly, edible! mmm Thanksgiving is so lovely.

  3. I <3 your kids.. and you! ;) thanks for the Christmas card. you look fantastic! love you.
