

A Long Return

It's always a daunting task to blog after not blogging for weeks. My phlegmatic side could never handle the pressure of a daily blog...I'm way too relaxed, as my inconsistency shows.

In sum, THANK YOU GOD for overwhelming me with such great blessings as that of my husband and children. I get tears just thinking about it. How can I be surrounded with so much love? I pray to God I serve them well as a wife and mother.

There are always days that are difficult, when Avila wants to be held all day and cries all day or when Christiana's whines drown out my thoughts. Days when you count down until bedtime, but try take in those little sufferings instead of putting them to bed.

Two instances allowed me to see life "moments" this month with a new perspective.
1. I read a facebook status from my parent's friends that said: "So excited to have John and Mary back from college this weekend. Can't wait for family dinner again."

Holy cow that struck a few short years my children will start to leave and the house will become sadly quiet. I will miss the pitter patter of footprints and the giggles, laughter, cries, and yells. THIS is it! I don't want to look ahead be constantly wishing for them to grow out of a stage or move onto the next one. I want to love every part of the now.

2. Nicholas' School Picture
Shot to the heart melted into a puddle. It was a solidifying moment of the reality that he is is in Kindergarten. I instantly saw this picture of his little face at his graduation. Relish him now. Like his father, he is always steady and happy. It also made me turn to Christiana in her "threeness" and promised to take it in.

This school year is different. I let go of most of my extra commitments to focus on my family and absorb all their moments with full mental and physical energy. After these two small instances, I continue to wake up excited to be with my kids and simply live each moment with vigour and God's grace.

And so October....

BARN DANCE...hay bales, bonfire, and country swing dancing. SO. FUN.
Dancing to Copperhead thighs burned by the end of out of shape

Andrew showed off his swing moves...

We played Cowboys and Indians (ships and sailors) and I never laughed harder.


Just an excuse to bake and make all things fall...the kids would have been content to just play but thanks to their over ambitious mothers they got to paint pine cones, squish pumpkin play dough, and make felt pumpkins.

Apple Hand new favorite thing to bake.


The field trip was to a local Pumpkin Farm, filled with corn mazes and gian hale bales, animals and hayrides. Not sure who was or Nicholas.


Lots of good cousin time...we got to pinch and squeeze all weekend.

 Aunt Tricia had lots of goodies, movies, and activities planned for us.

Waking up to this was worth the drive out there!

 I even got my face painted...

Doing anything with the mountains in the background is always relaxing...
  Please note John's hair...he poured bubbles on top of his head...i love him.

At top of Pikes Peak (bummer my camera was on wrong setting the whole time :/)
But it was absolutely stunning...I just kept shaking my head at the amazing beauty. The kids loved seeing the snow.

They have a coffee shop at the top. On the drive down we ate their famous doughnuts and coffee and I appropriately put on Man from Snowy River was definitely a highlight of the trip


  1. Oh I've been wanting to see these pictures! Too cute. Next trip = summer camping. :) Can't believe the pikes peak pics didn't turn out!
    Miss you guys!

  2. I had beeb waiting for this post! Love all the photos - so happy you guys got to visit Trill!

  3. I need email updating when you blog. I can't believe how much I have missed!! Love it all.
