

Tradition! Tradition!

I should be Jewish I love traditions so much.

The Annual Pumpkin Carving.

Tradition Critieria:
George Winston's December album
Hot Apple Cider
Roasting Pumpkin Seeds
The Movie: The Ghost of Mr. Chicken
Lights out, pumpkin lit, and a telling a running story about "The Great Pumpkin"

This year we had a special guest, cousin Pat got to participate in the carving. Poor soul was peppered with show and tell all night by Nicholas and Christiana. We did have a great story telling though....something about a missing candle light and getting punched? (Nicholas' version)

Halloween 2012...Jack, Jill, and the Hill.
The local photographer took free Halloween pictures with a canned food we did that as well ;)

Then came trick or treating...with cousins Eva and Sam and best buddies Henry, Mila, and Bosco.


  1. oh my gosh!! girl! their costumes are awesome! haha.. how adorable.

  2. gosh i love your children :) too cute and clever!
