Oh yes. The amazing work of two small children with two black sharpie markers. They were "playing quietly" while I was on the other side of the house cleaning our sun room (which had become a storage closet). I came in to find this....
I recieved back looks of shock, as they wondered what possessed me to get so angry? Apparantly, drawing on paper or the wall is easily interchangable.
I knew they didn't really think much about it as Nicholas kindly showed me "a river with fish in it."
I figured coloring on the bathtub and tile walls with bath crayons broke down some natural barriors of what constitutes a suitable place for coloring. Of course, they would find sharpies instead of using the 346 washable markers we have laying around everywhere.
He promised he wouldn't do it again, or do it in the basement either.
"The basement?" I asked in bewilderment. A slight brush of panic....heading to the basement....
My gosh, it looked like the work of 20 people!! Was I really cleaning that long? Not shown is a rocking chair, lamp shade, and various other items wonderfully adorned in creative expression.
Luckily it comes off woodwork with hairspray.
The walls will be repainted...so glad we have ample amounts of spare time to do that.
Oh the happy joys of parenting.
Oh my gosh!...it just keeps getting better...right?!? Amazing the things they do especially when there is a clan of them. Holes in walls and doors soon to come...
OH MY! wow I will never ever complain again when Molly misses the paper and marks on the table. You win a prize for not completely melting into a pile of hot mess like I would have done!
Oh my gosh! Maria, this post just provided Paul and I one of the best belly laughs we've had in a while! I'm impressed that you kept it together!
That is the funniest thing ever!!! Oh there cute little heads. I can imagine Gaber would have been in there with them if we were there;)
Oh Maria! I just kept gasping.
Oh my! I was gasping and laughing at the same time through this. I just can't imagine!
Oh my gosh- i can't handle this post!! I'm nervously laughing. Every picture I saw I said, "Oh Noo...", "Oh Nooooooo..." I think you should have friends over to drink wine and spray dem walls down with hair spray!
OH ... MY .... GOSH!!!!! I am dying in my office chair of laughter!!!!! *******NOTE TO SELF*********** don't let the kids play with washable markers in the bath tub!
The title of your blog should be "ENJOY THIS MOMENT ... FOR THIS MOMENT IS YOUR LIF." oh, it is that!!! baahahaaahaa!!! poor andrew and maria... if you need help with paint call me! i am seriously dying over here... hahaaahaa!
I have tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard... ohhh Maria! You didn't even mention this in our long conversation this morning? Thank goodness things are just things. ;) Love to you and those little artists.
I keep finding myself staring at the walls for long periods of time, still in disbelief and laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. Let's just say I had a healthy two glasses of wine to calm my nerves that night. :)
I am laughing so hard. This makes me feel better about my only 2 feet of crayon which we got off with magic eraser. Oh my goodness!! Good luck painting.
this is amazing. sounds crazy, but i'd keep it. go with it. add color and more creativity. :)
haha OH MY GOSH! I'm laughing because it's so ridiculous..I'm sure it was such a pain to clean up but wow! they were busy bees...I can totally see sophia doing this. she already once colored with a crayon earlier this year on the floor and sofa...ooo the fun of being a mommy. ;) good thing they are so cute. hehe.
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