Gabe and Anna met us there. It was a perfect evening, we listened to some local performances, visited with friends, ate free watermelon, and tasted homeade lemonade that was heaven.
By far, the best is being able watching my two munchkins. Christiana didn't peep, she stared at all the different people and Nicholas jumped out of his shorts upon seeing airplanes rides.
Why didn't anyone tell me this would be so fun? Can it get any better than to watch your kids giggle with delight when riding on a ferris wheel or petting a puppy? My heart was swelling just seeing them at the fair with their little eyes of wonder.
such great pics maria! what a fun time:D
Maria, this is PRECIOUS! I always love seeing your photos capturing some of the best moments of their childhood! Keep 'em coming... I miss ya'll so much!!
Her. face. in. the. goat. picture. Stop it.
Maria- I love your small town!!! Nicholas looks JUST like Andrew in the puppy pic....awww- precious.
Nicolas is the most squeezy-cute little sweet! Your kids are precious : )
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